Sept.9, 2002
WOW. . .I could not believe it. . .she just doesn't
stop! Girls go away fro her. . .she will make you all crazy!
Transcript of Dani's bedtime story
Author: DD (RTS)
Date: 09-11-02 04:16
After Dani was telling Lisa and Amy (Jason was asleep) about how she was calling Roddy 'The Devil'.
Amy and Lisa were laughing. Dani says that her girls will probably be scared of Roddy when they see
him. Amy said Danielle will tell ghost stories to her grandchildren. And that give Dani an idea. She
does a granny voice and tells a bedtime story.
"One night in the year 2002. Granny went away for the summer. I was locked in the house with
eleven other people. What made it more difficult... the devil was part of them. The only thing is that
granny didn't know who was the devil. But then the devil came one day. In front of the devil's
gift--playing cards. And as we played the card, the devil looked me in my eye. And he said 'Dee, I
don't know were I stand with you?' Right there. That is where the devil wanted my soul. He wanted
my word. Listen children, your word is your gold. Never give it, especially to the devil. But I asked the
spirit of god to come upon me. And I said Lord give me the wisdom and discernment you gave King
Solomon. And I saw right through that devil and got his number. And for 30 days and 30 nights I
prayed. I even fasted on peanut butter on some days. To have a clearer conscious, just so I knew
what he was up to. Now the devil had other demons in the house. Some were really stinky. Some
were really smelled bad. Some had bad feet. Some were beautiful. But you knew who they were--and
they tried to tempt you! But you had to stay strong and you had to hook at people who were light and
beautiful. They were angels. And then there was a war between good and evil in the house. And we
had to decide to be strong. And the devil oh he was gooood. But the way you get to the devil is you
take out the demons. One at a time.
So one by one. The smelly one, the pretty one, and the one with feet. Ah the one with feet. The feet
that would make scraping noises as walked across the carpet floor. And he was a trip because this
demon had a tickle in his throat and would cough.(makes gross cough) You knew that demon was
coming but you didn't know what to do. So, granny and the group of other angels, we plotted and
worked together as a team and took one demon at a time. One by one.
But the biggest one, was Satan himself. Now as we sat there and said this was the time that we could
get rid of the devil. One of the angels, a golden angel with a voice that was so beautiful went to the
devil like a moth to a flame. And the devil almost had her. But granny and the other angels, we
prayed. And we asked 'Dear God, let her see the Devil.' Because unbeknownst to you little boys and
girls, the devil is a very good looking man. He had a six pack. You don't know what that is but you will
know in due time. He was very charismatic, he spoke words. Words that will put you to sleep. Where
you say like 'I want to be your friend. I want to do everything for you. I don't want to leave the house.
But I will leave the house for you.' He was the Devil. So we prayed for the little angel with golden
hair. And finally she saw it. But of course good natured as she was she felt hurt..for the devil.
Because she and she alone had a very good soul. So the obstacle for the little angel was should she
not try to save the devil? Or should she give it up and get rid of evil forever out of the house. So we
prayed but we didn't say anything to the little angel. Finally one night when she is talking to the devil.
Enticed by his charisma, and mesmerized by his grace. She saw his horns grow right in front of her.
And his slit tongue slink out of his mouth. And as his tongue grew. She saw HIM and she was
horrified. But although she saw the devil the compassion in her heart was still there. Could the angel
be strong enough to get rid of the devil? All the other angels waited to see. But we didn't know what
was to happen. But the day came when the quivering little angel stood up. She was very scared. But
we wondered if she could be strong enough? And she looked at the devil--and then she looked away.
And she made that decision not to save him because she knew--The Devil can never be Saved. And
as a united front we got together and the angel we embraced, her wing was broken, but we helped her
fix it. We embraced her and she wept with a compassionate heart. And the devil walked out the
door. And we all sat there with anger, but we reminded ourselves that we are all good people and
we're here to enjoy this house that is ours. And as we grinned and laughed. And as the angel with the
broken wing and big heart mended herself together and became herself again. She realized that with
love, friends that the devil must be expelled. And we enjoyed the rest of the summer with glee.
Because the devil was out of the house. The End. "
After the story Dani said she was going to say something about Chiara but she could do it. She was
going to make one of the demons have a rash.
Well we all know the Devil is still in the house. . .and
her name is DANI!!!!!
Sorry Roddy. . .had to post this before it would have been
deleted, and this is just a Little something extra, not to make her
get the money! Not that you need any other information. . .you must have
Check the updates on Polls. . .Roddy baby, your going up.
. .not that it makes a difference in the money. . .but you know we all
Love you. . .And that Dani is making Her way down. . .lol Love It!!!!
CBS popularity poll updated
Author: tgM
Date: 09-10-02 05:45
Jason 82%
Lisa 72%
Eric 66%
Roddy 56%
Amy 53%
Gerry 53%
Danielle 48%
Marcellas 48%
Tonya 40%
Lori 37%
Josh 35%
Chiara 32%
Sept. 7, 2002
Well Roddy you had to go get the sexy butt of yours
removed. . .These guys are so boring! All they can do in insult, swear
still talk about you. . .all of them, I guess had you really never left,
good let them be scared, let them shake! your memory well haunt them, they
know they did wrong in getting you out Of the house. . .
LOL Roddy. . .You still have them thinking. . .Way the go
Sept 4, 2002
Well This is going to be a big day. . .Roddy I think there
might still be some hope. . .WOW! I was wrong. . .Our Roddy was evicted
from the BB house.. . But Roddy I will be the first to say. . .You are a
winner. . .Remember do not give
If any one there should make it to the end. . .make sure
it's Amy. . .Jason I will let you know. . .Lisa I will let you know. .
.But Marci and Dani NO! They have bashed you in more ways I can not even
start telling you.
Sept. 3, 2002
Well Roddy it Is time for you to do some work, So get
up!!! lol Be stong and do what ever you must do to stay in. . .They are
all doing it. . .
WOW. . .they want to get us lizards out of the house. .
***********************************Date: 09-03-02 16:27
the comedic value is beyond explination!
amy is Tellulah Belle the defendant that put her dress into evidence (it was pooped on)
danielle is leroy BB Jenkins a man/woman that gets unmasked as Danielle...
Roddy is Judge BowCocks (not sure on the spelling)...
Marcellas is Huck the confident lawyer...
Jason's closing statements... (keep in mind that he is dressed as a kind of train conductor type of guy)
he says, "he is not the best laywer in fact I am planning on becoming a train conductor or a baker, and
have not seen many episodes of matlock..." maybe they eat crickets with white powder, meal worms
and other gross things." then he goes no to say don't give up... give peace a chance..
Marcellas' closing statement... he reads from the BB3 dragon care hand book.... he says that the
dragons are everyone's responsibility and everyone must care for them... blah blah blah then he
remarks that this was the first time he had ever picked up the manual...
the manual says the dragons are suposed to bring happiness, enjoyment and this is the first day that the
lizards have brought any sort of fun or happiness into the house...
all house guests get to consult with each other and decide on the eviction and vote... hg's have not
decided to keep or evict the lizards at of yet...
Verdict Is In!!! Us Lizards Stay!
Sept.2, 2002
Well today is the big day. . .will Roddy survive this day!
Amy you must do the right thing!
Well I was not surprised Amy ddidn't use the veto. . .she
has been brainwashed by the others, you pretty much stand alone in the
house, maybe Lisa. . .but she is really hard to read. . .
Sept. 1, 2002
Dani is up. . .Lets see how hard is Has to work this
morning. . .to get Amy not to veto Roddy. . .The snake is out for mice. .
While Amy and Roddy were out on the hammock last night,
the other 4 were in the house trashing her up and down for talking to him.
I wanted to post this comment because it really Jason's thoughts ...
M: I don't even want her in my room.. I can't stand to look at her!
Dani tells him they have to keep up the act and not make her mad before
the veto meeting. They all make a pact to "act nice" with Amy
until its over.
Then Jason tells them what they need to do after the veto meeting:
J: "Then we just have to act nice until we know she didn't win HOH
and then we just say, "well sweetheart...too bad" and we get rid
of her"
(Not new news, but interesting that it came from Jason, not Dani)
(Side note: OF the 4, Lisa said very little and mostly just nodded and
Oh Amy. . .don't tell everything Roddy told you to
Jason. . .The wrong guy to make a deal with. . .
Aug. 31, 2002
So Marci said he didn't make a deal. . .here it is
Date: 08-31-02 12:30
This is what they SHOWED on the TV show of the long-term deal that R and M made in the Hot
Tub. Yes, CBS edited it but this is what they showed on TV, word for word:
Rod: So here's the story, mr handsome, mr chicago volunteer, ....Marcellas we would kick #FOTH#
and if we decided to do that, i will F___ing get us to the end of this F---ing game no matter what
Marc: I'm in
Rod: You're in?
(Marcellas nods.)
Rod: Well i'm nervous are you? Feels good doesn it?
Marcellas: It's's the most exhilarated I've been in this game...I like that...I like
that a lot (laughs and smiles at rod)
that was it. Sounds like M agreed to be in a deal with R til the end of the game but that there were
probably other details of the deal that were not broadcast....
Amy. . .Lisa. . .Jason. . .Dani. . .here is the prof!
Keep working Roddy. . .there are a lot of Roddy
supporters. . .
Lisa is a sweet girl, but she is playing revenge. . .she
was very hurt about Chiara nominating her to leave.
Marci. . .I still can't figure him out except he wants you
Dani. . .she calls you the Devil. . .but I think she works
for him lol
Amy . . ..too sweet, and is getting hurt and used by
everyone, even her so called friend Marci!
Jason. . .goiod guy, but Dani has worked his religon!. . .
Like I said be true and hang in there!
Roddy there all in the HOH room bashing you. . .What a
bunch of snakes!
Lisa is told Amy about the conversation she had with Roddy last night
Date: 08-31-02 14:42
that she told Roddy would stay between the 2 of them..(she gave her 'word')
Well Roddy. . .looks like Dani and the wolves, managed to
have Amy not use the veto on you. . .Lets hope she plays this one smart!
Aug. 30, 2002
Dani says there may come a time they may have to make a deal with the devil(sigh..they mean
Roddy!) if they can't get him out.
more card playing She tells Jason that
Roddy says that next week you need to be nominated nearly if they don't have HOH control
because of POV, they'll need that as well. Jason says he feels Roddy will win HOH next week, he
feels like it's almost guaranteed. They talk about how they both did not want to stay in the tree, for
strategic reasons. Jason says he didn't want to but his partner did. They continue to amicably play
Marci what a BIG BIG mistake you have made. . .You said
you can trust Dani. . .all she does is talk bad about all of you!
Roddy you need to start working the house. . what
they have all been doing. . .but be true to yourself. . .!
Aug. 29, 2002. . .Jason announces HRD will Be shut down. .
. They have closed it down. . .no will Be allowed to go there.
All nervous for tonights live show.
Roddy you have to get HOH!!!!
WOW Gerry is gone, kinda feel a little sad, he was not a
bad guy, and played the game with some class, can't say for some other HG.
. .
Roddy you didn't get HOH, but you must do your best to
Aug. 28, 2002
Well today. . .they took a break and didn't Bash Roddy. .
.But sure is giving it to Gerry. . .Feel sorry for that man! Roddy you
seem to be in a safe zone today. . .so far!
Ha But we spoke too soon! Dani is the Devil!!!!! She
calls Roddy the Devil. . .But she sure looks and acts like one!
Danielle says that she told Amy her chances of winning are silm, she should focus on who she wants
to win and then help them by eliminating their enemies. She then says that her putting Chiara up was
totally personal. She complains about Amy and says, "But oh no, we have a heart." As if she is better
than her. She complains about Amys see-through top. ( lol
Can I say she's jealous! ) Danielle says that if Amy puts her up on the
block she will leap across the table and put a choke-hold on her. There will be nothing to hold her
Marcellas says that Roddy never works him or Danielle, and Danielle says it is because they are
stronger. Danielle says she is going to nominate Roddy and Amy if she gets HOH. She says she is
sorry to Marcellas, he says, "I know." He says maybe she will learn her lesson to "shut the f*** up".
Marcellas then leaves because they heard someone in the shower. . .What
two faces. . .Well there was soo much more. . .put it really makes me sick
to even continue. . .WOW Dani keeps mentioning the Lord! Dani don't even
use The Good Lords name, for you are evil!!!
Aug. 27, 2002
Crazy day today! Best time was playing tn the water. .
.looked fun. . .Hint Power of 4. . .Hopes it works out. . .Roddy Jason Amy
and Lisa. . .Get Dani out!!!!!
Dani and Marci. bashing Gerry, and then Amy. . .I can
understand Dani the snake, but Marci. . .you better be doing it for strategy.
. .
Love to see Roddy hug and play with Amy. . .Roddy you best
be nice to Amy she is the only one who safed your But. . .And meant it. .
How funny. . .Dani Marci. and Lisa talking about Amy. .
.Marci leaves. . .Lisa and Dani talk about Marci. . ..Marci comes back,
and the bashing start again. . .
Aug. 26, 2002
Gerry is the Only one up. . .Veto day, his mind must be in
overtime. . .
Dani's plans. . .the sanke has spoken. . .
Dani just told Lisa. . .
That. Dani and Marci vote to evict Gerry
Lisa and Roddy vore to evict Amy
Jason is the tie breaker and votes to evict Gerry.
This means Lisa gets on Roddy's good side. She Is trying to get Amy's
friends to vote Amy out! She is a snake!
More conv. with Dani the sanke and Lisa
L - i prefer NOT to do it.. i think... what i think is when Roddy passed me that.... that throwing
Gerry out means too much to me (her and Eric thing)... so he respects that so i think he too will vote
out Gerry because it will make no sense to him to go against vote..... I think Roddy respects that...
and respects that I want to vote out Gerry and i don't think he will ask me too..... i told him i take
care of my friends first and even though KIKI hurt me - i told him he (R) didn't... so i am just playing
it cool...
D- good girl you play it then.... what did he say to you outside by the pool?
L - uhhh nothing really.... not about the vote anyways....
D - oh okay.....
(Ed note.... not really true.... because he talked about Dani alot by the pool.....hmmmmmm Lisa are
you playing?????haha_
L - and I think Marc and Amy will question me and my vote against Amy so i'm not really
comfortable with that right now.. so uh... we'll jsut leave it and play it out .... i'm having fun though
Lisa leaves HOH to get Advil.hahaha Sorry Dani it backfired on you!
HAHA well Roddy it didn't take much for Gerry to tell
marci everything you told him. . .
Aug. 25, 2002
All still sleeping in the BB house. . .Gerry was up. .
.and now sleeping out side. . WOW Marci Dani and Lisa talking about how
you should be gone and Chiara should still be here ( I don't think so!!!).
. .Can these people ever make up their mind. . .lol. Lisa you should not
be there, Dani will put FOTH thought in your head. . .it's a plot I
Aug. 24, 2002
Well Jason won the VETO. . .Lets see how hard Dani will
work him now!
Dani is saying to Lisa how she feels sorry for Gerry being
on the block, and that he must feel like he letting down his family. .
.She just want to cover herself, and make sure she is the one to win. .
.Wonder how sorry she would feel for Gerry if that would be so. . .Snakes.
. .I see snakes in the grass hahaha
Dani and Gerry. . .Dani is hoping that Jason would use
Veto to save Amy, and put u up! She's a snake I say. . .she belongs in
here with us lizards!!!!!
Aug. 23, 2002
LOL Roddy. . .I guess you noticed how fast it took for
Dani to run into J's HOH room last night, She has lots to say! hahaha.Dani
you will get your turn.
Let the games begin!
Jason is asking the house what they want. . .And Amy said
Gerry and someone you want to keep. . Amy is saying how hard it was
to put u up again twice in a row. . .Little did she know that Dani was
trying to get everyone get you out. . .Thank GOD she keept reminding them
that they gave her their word.
Dani is telling Marc. that Jason should put you back on
the block. . .and Gerry WOW what a surprise NOT!
Lisa is now approached by Jason to see what she thinks. .
.She is to good of a girl. . .
Dani just walked in and told Jason I need to talk to you
before you talk to anyone else.. . WOW what can she say. . .Oh Dani you
snake! Roddy get ready I think you will be up again! Jason get a back
bone! You think your running the show. . .But Dani has it over you. .
.Jason is asking everyone what they think. . .But Dani and Janson have
their mind set already. . .
Marc. is in with Jason. . .Marci just told Jason that
Gerry should go up. . .and that he is not afraid of Roddy. . .And that the
only thing that bothered's him is that other people do things for Roddy!
Sorry Marci. I think people do for themselves!
Roddy Roddy. . .Hanging with Chiara might just do you in.
. .
Roddy don't bother with Jason. . .He has the master plan,
from the begining. . .Dani and Jason! I see you in that roo with him, and
he is accusing you for all he has done! It's all about the money. . .
Way to go Roddy!!!!! All you need is the veto, and get Amy
out of that mess!
Oh Roddy if you can see Dani cry, cause Jason keept you in
the house. . .lol hey what goes around comes around!
Aug. 22, 2002
Kiki asked Dani who she is going to vote for, her or Roddy? She askes if there is a shot of her staying?
Dan told her that she doesn't know how people are going to vote. She tells kiki that she has her vote.
So lets see. . .Kiki tells Roddy she wants him to stay,
and she knows she is going and it's OK. . .but she is fishing for info on
who nominated who. . .BAD GIRL KIKI!
And KIKI Roddy told you something in private, and you said
you would never tell. . .and now you tell Dani Bad Girl KIKI! And then you
wonder. . .lol
Finally. . .Voices over the wall . . .
It was a females voice. She said, "Don't listen to Jason!" then "We love you!".
I'm amusing that she addressed Roddy because afterward, Roddy and Jason suggested they go inside
like "good houseguests". Chiara told them that it wasn't meant for them, it was probably neighborhood
kids playing and shouting to one another.
Roddy then says, skeptically, "I wonder what they meant by don't listen to J".....Jason acts clueless.
Roddy seems to be pondering it but then doesn't say anything more about it.Roddy.
. .watch your back Roddy. . .
August 21, 2002 . . . WooHoo!!! Sheryl Crow waking up the
Houseguests . . . And my little Hottie Roddy is just lying in bed *shakes
head sadly* . . . WAKE UP RODDY!!! You have some serious campaigning
to do!!!!
After Amy tells Dani she want to have Roddy stay. . .Dani pretty much
told her that she is voting Roddy and don't worry she has her back. . .MY
Butt she has her Back, more like a knife in the back!
Okay, let's try this again . . . shall we? Now Dani is telling
Amy that Chiwhora is gone, that she has Amy's back. Told Jason to
Vote "Opposite" and then tells Amy, "Gee, I hope he was
voting for Roddy to stay!" . . . Dani is a vicious, coniving,
manipulative hoochie mama and she has got to go! She also showed
Lisa the Queen of Spades during a card game. This meaning Chiapet
goes? Let's put it this way . . . Roddy honey, if you by some chance
stay in the house . . . if by some Miracle of God you remain amongst the
lions in the den . . . Then you have a seriously HUGE horseshoe up your
HAHAHA!!! I love the way the camera's follow Dani. . .! They know she
is always up to no good. . .heehee
Dani making deals with Gerry, she always has one foot in. . .wake up
guys, can't you see it!
Aug.20, 2002. . .Hahaha Roddy just called Chiara Fesa Baby. . .Hahaha
between me and you Roddy she is a Fesa!
Too funny. . .First Chiara tell Roddy to wear sunglasses ( before the Sherly Crow Concert )
and when they spoke outside, Chiara tells Roddy the Sheryl Crow only looked at him
and not her. . .and that he looked stupid with the sunglasses? Make up your mind Chiara!
Poor Amy she is so upset, she found out after telling everyone that they should vote Chiara out,
and keep Roddy in, they are not going to keep their word, they had with Amy. . .
She is really mad at them! Roddy all I can say is I hope they keep their word with Amy, Chiara must
go! I hope Amy spills her guts!!! and tells everyone how she feels, and shakes that house up a little!
Aug. 19,2002. . .Cool!!!! Roddy talks about how he Loves Canada. . .And Chi-HO talks about how she hates Canadians :P for Chi-ho. . . haha thats a great way to keep fans. . .
Wooohooo. . .You go Roddy, it's about time you say what you really think of Chiara. . .She has been plotting againist you all the time!!!! She says to you she wants to go, and you stay.
But to everyone else she says she wants to stay in. . .She is a RAT!!
She Has played you like a puppet!, The whole world can see that. . .
Aug. 18, 2002. . .Chiara stop whining. . . It's going to be an interesting weekin this house!
Chiara told Lisa she wants to stay, and that Roddy is evil, and that evil people should be the first to go!
Dani trys to have all the HG vote Roddy out. . .Marcellas and Amy said they would love to have Lisa and Roddy with them at the end :)
Dani must GO!!!!!!!
Aug. 17, 2002. . . Roddy watch your back. . .Dani is trying to get the other house guest to put you up!!!!
Dani has managed to have Amy change her way of voting. . .And sway all of the houseguest!
Dani is Desperat-shun Look out Roddy! if only these wall can talk!!!!
Aug. 16, 2002. . .Yeah Amy said she doesn't want to
put you up!!!