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If these walls can talk!

Let us always remember. .
.let us never forget. . .A tribute from a Canadian Friend |
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chance I get information on Roddy. . .
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departure has hit the HouseGuests hard. Amy
says she feels like a "horrid home wrecker," but wishes everyone would
realize they were playing a game and "not Love Connection." Lisa
is upset because Chiara asked her while leaving why Lisa didn't vote for her to
stay. Roddy
asks Jason
to open his bag and see what Chiara left for him: a security blanket she's had
since she was a young child. Roddy cries, but says he's "proud to be close
enough" to Chiara for her to give him something so important to her.
With the rest of the House in a stupor over the eviction, Marcellas
tells Danielle
and Lisa, commiserating in the Map Room, that Chiara "did dirt" to
Lisa, to him, and would have done it to Danielle if she had the chance. Danielle
feels confident in Jason as the new HoH, and says she had to try and act calm
after he won, even though she was overjoyed. Taking in the perks of power, Jason
says he's looking forward to sleeping in a real bed, since he's been using a
sleeping bag on a cot since he arrived. Turning his thoughts to strategy, Jason
feels safe with Danielle, but says nobody else is a hundred percent safe.
Danielle informs Jason that prior to her eviction, Chiara told Lisa and Danielle
that she thought Jason, for all his virtues, was a weak player. Danielle
cautions Jason that if Chiara thought that, Roddy might think it too.
DWINDLING NUMBERS Nothing so far brings the reality
of departed HouseGuests home like their new, smaller dining room table. Jason
calls everyone inside when he notices it, and they all stare at it. Lisa calls
the table a "reality check," and Gerry
says it's "eerie…it reminds me of lost comrades." With this
unsettling new addition to the House, Danielle's ability to make everyone laugh
is appreciated even more. Her dancing and particularly the different
"characters" she does are a constant source of amusement.
Amy, however, is finding that some of her antics aren't as well received. Gerry
says her "selfishness hasn't changed" since she returned to the House,
particularly regarding alcohol. Amy asks Gerry if he's going to finish his beer,
and then offers to pay Marcellas for one of his. Marcellas sits her down in the
HoH room and explains to her that this is the same type of behavior that led to
her first eviction. He cautions her that since it already happened once, it
could easily happen again.
In addition to worrying about his friend Amy, Marcellas also worries that
Gerry's feelings towards him might be a little bit stronger than just friends.
"Gerry is in love with me. There, I've said it. It's out in the
cosmos," Marcellas says in the Diary Room. Marcellas is unsettled by
Gerry's asking him if he wants an "old, white sugar daddy" and by
Gerry's habit of staring at him. The final straw for Marcellas comes when Gerry
stands outside the shower, looking in at Marcellas as he washes up. In the Diary
Room, Gerry says that he's very comfortable with his sexuality, and wonders
whether Marcellas is simply uncomfortable having a straight friend paying
attention to him.
Jason assembles the group and distributes aprons for them each to wear before
they go into the backyard for the latest Food Competition. In the yard there are
seven workstations, each to be operated by a different HouseGuest. Their
objective is to get 18 oversized donuts through each workstation and onto a
platter in less than seven minutes. As many places on the platter they're able
to fill up will determine how much of their food supply they'll win that week.
If they get 16 donuts through to the end without touching the ground, they'll
receive their full supply of food for the week. There is also a mystery donut,
which will win them a special prize if it makes it through the course.
Lisa works the first station, a slide she has to drop the donuts down into a
stack of tires. From there, Gerry takes them to a catapult and launches the
donuts into the hot tub, where Jason retrieves them and pushes them on a
skateboard down another ramp. Danielle cranks them across a conveyor belt to
Marcellas, who places them on the fin of an inflatable shark, which he passes
across the pool. Amy picks them up on the other side and puts them on a tray,
which she pulleys over to Roddy, who shoots them like basketballs into an
oversized coffee cup. Due mainly to problems with the catapult and the pulley
tray, the HouseGuests only fill the platter halfway, giving them half their
normal supply of food for the week. They do, however, get the mystery donut
through the course, which wins them a week's supply of baked goods and coffees
from Dunkin' Donuts.
JASON LOOKS FOR GUIDANCE With his nomination
ceremony rapidly approaching, Jason looks to the other HouseGuests for
assistance in making his decision. His first instinct is to forge a deal with
Roddy, seeking protection for him and Danielle in exchange for not nominating
Roddy for eviction. Danielle tells Jason that Roddy had recently said Jason
couldn't keep his word, based on the fact that Jason voted to evict Eric after
promising he wouldn't. Lisa confirms to Jason what Danielle had said earlier,
that Chiara doubted his strength and Roddy agreed with her. Marcellas also tells
Jason that Roddy had doubted his trustworthiness, prompting Jason to ask Gerry
to promise not to save Roddy with the Veto Power in anticipation of nominating
Roddy for eviction.
To be fair, though, Jason talks to Roddy, confronting him with what he had
heard. Roddy denies ever doubting Jason's trustworthiness, and reminds Jason
that people will lie if it's in their best interests. After their conversation,
Jason feels a little bit better, but says there were still some things that
Roddy "didn't answer adequately." With his head swimming, Jason goes
to the memory wall and gathers the keys to prepare the Nomination Box.
THE NOMINATION CEREMONY Jason sits in the HoH room,
all the HouseGuests keys spread out before him on the Nomination Box. After much
torment, he finally places the keys inside and calls the Nomination Meeting to
order. With everyone sitting around the table, Jason apologizes to the nominees
in advance and reminds them that he considers everyone his family.
Roddy's key is pulled from the box first, followed by Lisa's, Danielle's and
Marcellas's, leaving Gerry and Amy as the nominees. Jason explains to Gerry that
he nominated him because he was unsure from week to week what Gerry will do,
thus he perceives Gerry as a threat. Amy knows she's being nominated because of
her two-week Mexican "vacation," a theory that Jason confirms for her.
As the group breaks, Danielle says in the Diary Room that she's
"disappointed" in what Jason chose to do, adding that she doesn't
trust Roddy as much as Jason does. Jason starts to doubt himself, saying that he
should have nominated Roddy and that he might have just given him the game, but
that his loyalty superseded his strategy. Soon the Veto Power will come into
play, potentially giving Jason another chance to nominate Roddy. Who will win
the Veto, and will they use it? Find out Wednesday night on the next episode of
to CBS
Still reeling from their private Sheryl Crow concert, the HouseGuests
enter the Storage Room and find personalized autographed T-shirts
and copies of Sheryl's latest CD "C'mon, C'mon." Marcellas calls her
appearance "the most amazing departure ever" from the game, while
Amy marvels at the goodies they received, saying "I'll have friends
now, any way I can get them."
Roddy tells Chiara that last week he didn't mentally prepare himself to
leave the House, but that this week he is getting ready. Chiara
promises that if he does go, she won't seek revenge against Amy. In
another room, Marcellas, Lisa and Danielle are discussing the fates of
Roddy and Chiara, trying to figure out whom they're going to vote for.
Marcellas eventually declares that he's going to evict Roddy, because
the circumstances of the game dictate his eviction.
After deciding to keep Chiara, Marcellas approaches her with a warning
not to trust the people who are always "smiling" at her, because those
are the ones who are lying. Chiara tells Danielle what Marcellas said,
and believes that Marcellas was referring to her. Danielle discusses
voting with Marcellas, and they agree not to tell Amy they're going
against Roddy, since she desperately wants Chiara out. But Marcellas
tells Amy anyway, adding that everyone in the House except her sees
Roddy as a threat.
The next day, Amy tells Danielle what Marcellas told her, and that she
feels like she was used. While they're talking, Jason is called to the
Diary Room to cast the first vote. He interrupts Danielle and Amy to
confirm with Danielle how he should vote. Danielle tells him to vote the
"opposite," but Jason isn't sure what she wants him to vote the
opposite of. In the Diary Room, Jason tries to figure out these cryptic
instructions and finally confesses, "A lot is happening. I sure don't
know what to do."
Julie talks live to the assembled HouseGuests in the living room. She
opens by asking Lisa how she felt seeing a new face, especially one of
a music superstar. Lisa says it was "amazing" simply to run out the
door and see people "breathe the same air we're breathing." Turning to
Amy, Julie asks how she feels to be back in the House after her
eviction. Amy says she's happy to be back, and thanks BIG BROTHER
for waiting until her to return to bring Sheryl Crow into the House.
Regarding his recently passed 28th wedding anniversary, Gerry tells his
wife that he's "hanging in here" and that he plans to "bring home the
bacon." Finally, Jason tells Julie that the thing he's most surprised by
in his BIG BROTHER experience is how much he loves the others and
how close he feels to everyone.
Before casting her vote, Danielle says that she likes Roddy a lot as a
person, but he's "too dang clever" a competitor. On the other side, she
says Chiara is "spoiled" and that she was disappointed Chiara turned
against her friend Lisa. Gerry finds Chiara's outspoken nature
"refreshing," and says she reminds him of his daughter. He thinks of
Roddy as another "alpha male" and worries that there can be only one
in the House. Danielle votes to evict Roddy and Gerry votes to evict
With their breakup a certainty due to their nominations, Roddy and
Chiara discuss the state of their relationship. Roddy tells Chiara that
she has "embarrassed" him and that he's "taken it on the chin" from
her a few times. He also says he didn't like the fact that she never let
an opportunity to flirt with Jason go by and that she's "taken stabs" at
him verbally. Chiara says in the Diary Room that for every point Roddy
made, there are 3 ex-boyfriends at home cheering him on. She also
agrees that she's "gotten away with murder" her whole life. Continuing
their discussion, Roddy tells Chiara that he began caring for her a lot,
but that his feelings for her "plateaued."
Despite the end of their romantic relationship, they each decide to
give the other a present. Chiara gives Roddy a photo of them in the
hammock, but Roddy is preoccupied by the way he looks in the photo.
Chiara says she was upset by his reaction, but is covering it up. Roddy
gives Chiara a book written by his hero, Carl Sagan. She accepts the
book, but wonders why he gave it to her, since the book's ideas run
contrary to things she believes in. Despite this rocky conclusion, they
confirm to each other that they intend to meet outside the House and
be friends in the real world.
In the studio, Julie asks Roddy and Chiara for their impressions of being
nominees. Roddy says he doesn't think being nominated alongside
Chiara was a personal decision on Amy's part, but a strategic one.
Chiara says that while the stress of her nomination has turned her into
"a little bit of a pain," overall it hasn't had much effect on her either.
Roddy does admit that being nominated against Chiara, whom he grew
extremely close to, did make things more stressful than they were last
week when he was nominated against Josh. For her final thoughts,
Chiara looks to each HouseGuest and simply says, "Thank you," adding
that she couldn't have hoped for a better group to be with. Roddy tells
them all that he loved his time in the House, and after including the
names of all the evictees, says the BIG BROTHER experience has been
the best of his life.
To decide their fate, Jason and Marcellas enter the Diary Room. Jason,
still wrestling with the definition of "opposite," assesses that Chiara is
less of a threat than Roddy and worries that if Roddy stays a few more
weeks, he'll be unstoppable. Lisa says Roddy makes her nervous
because he's able to "sneak around without sneaking around," but is
still put off by how easily Chiara turned against her. Marcellas thinks
that Chiara is solely interested in what's good for Chiara, but can't
forget that Roddy aligned himself with people (Josh and Chiara) who
were hurtful to the House.
With Amy sequestered in the HoH room, Julie asks her what her
motivations were in nominating Chiara. Amy repeats that it wasn't a
move based on revenge for having been evicted weeks earlier, but
that Chiara simply made her "uncomfortable" early on in the game. Amy
also acknowledges that nominating Roddy was a risk, but one that
could help in her attempt to have Chiara evicted. She adds that she'd
be "extremely upset" if Roddy were to be evicted by the other
Julie announces to the HouseGuests that by a vote of 4-1, Chiara is
evicted from the BIG BROTHER House. Chiara holds hands with Danielle
and Roddy as she stands up, and gives everyone hugs and kisses as
she makes her way to the door. In the studio, Julie searches for some
tissues for a crying Chiara while the other HouseGuests stand around
the House silently. Julie reminds Chiara that she made it halfway
through the game and that despite her sadness at being evicted, she
should be happy about that. Chiara also tells Julie that initially her
friendship with Lisa was strategic, but that as the game wore on, it
became more genuine. Finally, concerning her up-in-the-air relationship
with Roddy, Chiara says that she'll wait to see what happens when
she comes out, and that they have "more to explore" in their
Amy sits on the sidelines as the other HouseGuests battle it out for
the next HoH title. In a game called "Total Recall," Julie reads quotes
from one of the evicted HouseGuests. The players have to maneuver a
cube to display the face of the HouseGuest who said it. The first
quote wipes out Lisa, Gerry, Roddy and Danielle, none of whom recall
that Josh is the one who said, "I'm really shy and they're hoping this
will help me bust out of my shell." With Marcellas and Jason the only
ones left, they both remember that the second quote ("Let me tell you
something about Veto. He wasn't pulling his weight, he wasn't doing
his chores. Veto had to go.") came from Eric. On the third quote ("Two
very important people are in those chairs. If I was to do wrong by one
of them, I am truly sorry, but it's a decision I had to make.") Marcellas
guesses incorrectly, while Jason remembers that Chiara is the one who
said it. Jason wins his first Head of Household title.
Thanks to CBS
Immediately after Josh's 5-0 eviction, Chiara says that she was afraid
Roddy was going to be the one sent home when she heard the initial
vote count. Roddy agrees, telling the group he was afraid he was the
one about to get evicted unanimously, prompting Jason's realization
that despite their friendship, Roddy doesn't trust him. While Marcellas
was happy that Josh left, he feels "amazingly blessed" to have his
good friend Amy back in the House. Lisa says she was happy to see
Amy, but feels "selfish and greedy" about voting against bringing Eric
back to the game. She says that in light of finding out Chiara voted to
evict her, she wouldn't have been able to resume an alliance with
Chiara, Roddy and Eric if he returned, and was afraid Eric wouldn't
understand why she had changed her mind. Roddy, who quit the last
HoH contest right after it began, is having regrets and blames his
decision on feeling "nervous and sleepy" from having been nominated.
Amy didn't quit the Competition and won HoH, which makes Chiara
nervous because, as Lisa points out, Chiara nominated Marcellas and
Amy for eviction. Roddy, sensing he might be nominated, doesn't talk
directly to Amy, but instead turns to her closest ally Marcellas in an
attempt to clear the air. Marcellas tells Roddy that he has the "taint"
of Josh and Chiara's actions on him, and people consider him the
mastermind behind their maneuvers. Roddy responds that he's playing
the game in a straightforward manner, and worries that Marcellas
doesn't understand that.
Danielle gets suspicious of Roddy and Marcellas, and wonders if they
have a secret pact. Marcellas talks privately with Danielle about
Roddy, and Danielle calls Roddy "the devil." After Marcellas indicates
discomfort about telling Amy outright to nominate Roddy, Danielle tells
him to send Amy to her and she'll take care of it.
Before the next Food Competition, the girls are asked to change into
their swimsuits, while the guys are given new Speedo trunks to wear.
Each HouseGuest is assigned a day of the week, then enters an
enclosed booth where they have to catch 10 food vouchers that are
blown around by fans in the floor. Whatever vouchers they catch have
to be stuffed inside their bathing suits to count toward their total. If
someone fails to catch 10 vouchers, the HouseGuests are on PB&J for
that day of the week.
Chiara goes first and gets only 7 vouchers, putting them on the
Spartan diet for the rest of that day. Lisa goes next and gets 10, then
Danielle gets 13, before Roddy gets his hands on only 7, giving them
another day of just PB&J. Gerry gets things back on track with 11
vouchers, then does his triumphant "gorilla dance," much to Marcellas's
horror. Jason gets 19 vouchers, the high for the day, followed by
Marcellas, who collects 18. Amy goes into the booth and gets 10
vouchers, giving everyone food for the day that Roddy had lost for
them. Also in the booth for the HouseGuests to try to catch were
"luxury dollars," which they decide to pool together so Gerry can send
his wife a 28th anniversary present. Touched by the group's
generosity, Gerry says he's buying his wife an orange tree, and every
time he eats one of the sweet oranges from the tree, he'll remember
their gesture.
Sitting at the dining room table, the HouseGuests declare their need
for music. Lisa says she would take even some light elevator music
playing in the background, and Danielle says they need music "for their
soul and feet." Amy gathers the group for a Luxury Competition and
tells them to dress for a "special night out." Their Luxury Competition
goal is to find 18 CD cases that have been hidden around the House,
then put them together as a jigsaw puzzle on the dining room table.
While the rest of the HouseGuests tear the House apart looking for the
cases, Lisa put together the puzzle which reads: "Sheryl Crow--Live in
As the HouseGuests read the completed puzzle, out in the backyard
Sheryl Crow and her band launch into her 1994 smash hit "All I Wanna
Do." The HouseGuests storm into the yard and find her on a full stage,
with lights and a full sound system. They dance and laugh together,
forgetting all thoughts about strategies and alliances for the time
being. Chiara later says it was "nice to forget the game and just have
fun." Roddy said Sheryl is a "beautiful woman" and that "all the boys
noticed that." Jason summed up the overall sentiment of the House
when he said, "A private concert with Sheryl Crow. It doesn't get any
better than that."
After her second song, "Soak Up the Sun," Sheryl sits down on the lip
of the stage and talks to each of the HouseGuests individually. Roddy
jokingly says later that she whispered into his ear that he shouldn't
trust Gerry; he plans to alter his strategy accordingly. After dancing
along to her latest single, "Steve McQueen," the HouseGuests wave
goodbye to Sheryl and her band, while Marcellas proclaims this year's
BIG BROTHER gang the "most spoiled cast in Reality TV history."
Thanks to CBS |